
If you want to submit a meeting or an event that is relevant to orthodontic teaching please contact the Secretary (see contact details). It is to the discretion of the Council to decide on placement on the NEBEOP website.

    • Event: NEBEOP Web Academy webinar- 42
    • Topic: Principles of Finite Element Analysis: applications and limitations in orthodontics (part 1)
    • Erasmus course: A10
    • Speaker:Professor Paolo Cattaneo, Professor of research, University of Melbourne, Australia
    • Dates: Tuesday 04-02-2025; 20:00-21.15hr
    • Moderator: Prof. Anne Marie Kuijpers-Jagtman, University of Groningen, NL
    • Mode: Zoom webinar. Registration through your program director

    • Abstract
    • In these two presentations I will first outline the basic principles of Finite Element Analysis with a special attention to its application in Orthodontics. I will illustrate how a FE model can be generated, and why the material properties assigned to its elements are important for the correctness of the analysis and results. Different levels of simulation complexity, in particular in relation to the modelling of the PDL, will be presented together with the inherent limitations. I will also present some applications of FEA where a possible bio-mechanical explanation of orthodontic tooth movement and root resorption will be discussed. Finally, I will outline which factors should be considered when evaluating the quality of papers applying FEA to study orthodontic related questions.

    • Short Speaker Bio
    • Paolo M. Cattaneo is a Professor of Research at the Melbourne Dental School, the University of Melbourne, Australia. He is an Honorary Fellow at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, The Royal Children's Hospital, Victoria - Australia, and Adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Southern Denmark, Denmark. His research interests focus on dental biomechanics, 3D imaging in orthodontics, and analysis of dento-alveolar structures and their interaction with external mechanical stimuli studied using in-vitro, in- vivo, and in-silico models. At present, he is actively involved in projects dealing with clinical outcome analysis in 3D. He has authored over 100 publications in peer-reviewed international journals and book chapters. Paolo M. Cattaneo received his MSc. in Bio-Mechanical Engineering at Polytechnic of Milan, Italy, and in 2003 his PhD in Dentistry from Aarhus University, Denmark, under the supervision of Prof. Birte Melsen. From 2010 to 2020, he served as an Associate Professor at the Section of Orthodontics, Department of Dentistry, Aarhus University. In 2018, he successfully completed The Leadership Development Programme for Head of Departments at the Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.

    • References
    • The finite element method: A tool to study orthodontic tooth movement. Cattaneo PM, Dalstra M, Melsen B. Journal of Dental Research, 2005, 84(5), pp. 428–433

    • Strains in periodontal ligament and alveolar bone associated with orthodontic tooth movement analyzed by finite element. Cattaneo PM, Dalstra M, Melsen B. Orthodontics and Craniofacial Research, 2009, 12(2), pp. 120–128

    • Orthodontic Tooth Movement Studied by Finite Element Analysis: an Update. What Can We Learn from These Simulations? Cattaneo PM, Cornelis MA. Current Osteoporosis Reports, 2021, 19(2), pp. 175–181